Without pollinators, the world as we know it would collapse. 
Small mammals


Without Pollinators, the world as we know it would collapse.

Understand Flowers

In order for a plant to produce a harvest, it must be pollinated. To be pollinated, a pollen grain must move from the anthers to the stigma.

But what does this mean? Flowers have Stamens and/or Pistils. The Stamens (also known as male parts) create the pollen and consist of filaments and anthers. Pistils (also known as female parts) contain egg cells in the ovary, stigma, and style. 

If a flower has both stamens and pistils, it can self-pollinate, have wind and water pollination, or be pollinated by a pollinator. 

Some plants, however, only have stamens or only have pistils. This means the plant is male or female. In these cases, the plant is unable to self-pollinate. Male and female plants must be pollinated by a pollinator, wind, or water. 

If plants can SELF-POLLINATE,


Somewhere between 75% and 95% [1] of all flowering plants on the earth need help with pollination – they need pollinators!

How many plants are pollinated by a pollinator?

Over 180,000 different plant species and more than 1200 crops. That means for every three bites of food you take, a pollinator is responsible for at least one!

Do pollinators AFFECT the economy?

Yes! Pollinators add 217 billion dollars to the global economy each year. This is because their work is the reason we are able to harvest as much food as we are each year!

What else are pollinates good for?

If pollinating our food was not enough, pollinators are responsible for a lot of other tasks as well. Since they support ecosystems, they contribute to clean air and stable soil!

How can I help?

Pollinators need help, but we know how to help them!  If everyone – home owners, local governments, national governments, and private industry – made the effort we could change the future for pollinators and secure our own.
  • Make Room For Pollinators

    As long as there are plots and patches of flowers they will be visited by hungry bees and other pollinators. This means that if we have areas on our land were we allow wildflowers to grow, pollinators will have shelter and food!

  • Plant Native

    If you are going to plant a pollinator garden and allow pollinators on your land, research native plants. Research has proven that pollinators prefer plants that are native to their area. 

  • Support Local Farmers and Beekeepers

    By buying from your local farmers and beekeepers, they are getting a higher profit. This means they will be able to better protect our pollinators next year!

  • Spread the Word

    Help advocate for pollinators in America. Tell your friends and family and help them start a pollinator garden. Share information on social media. Spread the word that pollinators in America need our help!

“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.” 

